Aug 01, 2006 01:01 PM
In a world of fast food and obesity...where each kid is getting bigger than the other - Super Size Me is a jarring wake-up call to all those who think eating junk food but drinking diet coke is being healthy.
The documentary is about one man's tirade about "outing" the fast food revolution. The documentary is extreme because he decides to eat ONLY what Maconalds churns out for one whole month. This includes everything from food to water. So if MacDonalds doesn't sell it - he won't have it.
If I were you and had kids...I'd watch this. With my kids.... it will make you think the next time you put a burger and some greasy fries down your gullet :-)
Now don't get me wrong - I wouldn't do an experiment on myself if I was paid a million bucks - I love myself too much to do that to myself:-) and nor do I subscribe to his views. I just think the movie makes you sit up and think about the years of abuse that we unknowingly/knowingly inflict on our bodies.