Nov 29, 2015 12:01 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Nov 29, 2015 12:01 PM)
About Company:
Sprite is a well known popular brand in india who is selling different types of soft drinks since 1959. It is a West German company which was again popularised by the brand 7up.
About product:
Sprite is a colorless, lemon and lime flavored, caffeine-free soft drink, created by the Coca-Cola company. It comes in a primarily silver, green, and blue can or a green transparent bottle with a primarily green and yellow label. As per calculations, it consists of 39 calories per 100 gms.
Side effects and disadvantages:
Defective digestive system
First and foremost, Soda of any type is the most acidic beverage on the market today however; you don’t realize it because of the large sugar content( aspartame/sweet) which is bad for health. As per reports, Sprite is a dangerous and very much effective acid soda with ph 2.5 such that even a rat body can dissolve in 3 days if kept in sprite.
Obesity/weight gain
Several scientific studies have shown the drinking of soda to be directly related to weight gain. This is due to the amount of calories they contain as well as their acidity. Drinking fluids high in calories heightens the risk of an increase in weight gain. The acidity of sodas alters the body’s blood chemistry which leads to a change in metabolism( slows down its rate) and causes the body to protect itself by forming fats to store the acids.
So its a humble request not to use any types of sodas and cokes because it can completely destroy your organs and bones. So stop drinking it before its too late.