May 04, 2008 08:22 AM
It was my sheer misfortune that I decided to book on a SPICE JET flight from Calcutta to Bangalore(SG-527) on 3rd May, 2008. Can you imagine in the sweltering summer heat of 38degrees celsius they decide to turn off the cabin AC. People are left sweating and panting for over 20 mins. When we contacted the cabin crew they came up with the weirdest of explanation that the aircraft is old and hence they cannot keep the AC running during take off.
I have travelled extensively in various airlines both domestic and international and never have I come across a similar excuse.
The actual reason was that the aircraft was not getting clearance to take off due to another incoming aircraft and hence they wanted to save on ATC during the waiting period. An airlines which takes recourse to such cheap methods to save on ATC is ridiculous. Also the fact that they are operating with old aircraft is a matter of concern. I would never ever fly this stupid airlines. A company in the service industry that has complete disregard for its customers doesnt fit to survive in today's competitive world. I would be more than happy to see the demise of this customer unfriendly organisation.