Jan 25, 2007 11:37 PM
AIR DECCANThe phenomenon of no frills airlines is very remarkable. It is remarkable for the very low fares it charges and is surviving. So many airlines have folded; I remember PAN AM, TWA, and our own AIR INDIA and INDIAN AIRLINES WOULD HAVE CEASED TO FLY BUT FOR THE Government support. Many European airlines are also supported by their Governments. There are many other airlines which have not survived. Some decades back I flew by a shuttle service plane between New York and Washington DC. One just walked into this plane and took a seat. The interior was all torn and shabby. Nothing was offered on the plane.
We went to Bangalore recently (August 2006). Three adults and an infant. It cost us less than Rs. 7000.00 for the tickets. In earlier times it would have cost more than Rs. 11, 000.00, of’course lunch included. It is also a sign of progress that the tickets can be booked and bought on the internet. Air Deccan of Captain C.R.Gopinath was the first private airline and has expanded its fleet and network. After JET airways this is perhaps the largest in the private sector. There are many others now of different sizes.
Mumbai to Banglore
My daughter with his infant son, my wife and myself flew by Air Deccan from Mumbai to Bangalore. Normally we would have gone by train 3 or 2 tier AC coach. But we did not explore train journey at all as we were going for the treatment of our grand child. It was a great experience. Nothing is served free but on payment you get tea, coffee, cold drinks, sandwiches and sweets. Like the flights of old air hostesses go from one end to the other pushing a trolley and stopping by every seat and asking for passengers’ choice or requirement. Mind you there is good demand and passengers do patronize the food trolley. It is not too expensive as well about the same rates as at the airport shops. The plane interior is inviting comfortable and the journey comfortable.
The computer printed ticket has details of the flight schedule and other information as in an airline issued ticket. The only snag is if you have to cancel. You lose practically all the money spent. These tickets are special low priced tickets bought well in advance. The ticket cost may change every day depending on the demand. While booking you can see on the internet all other airlines schedules also and book as per your convenience and can also choose according to the fare. But this should be done once are sure of flight plans. You have to carry a photo identity to get inside the airport and board the plane.
The plane was full. Passengers included adults, ladies and children. The journey was comfortable and no difference between the flights of old and this no frills flight.
As usual safety rules are explained and what to do in an emergency is demonstrated at the start of the flight. We returned by Spicejet; again the same way internet booking and printing the ticket. This airline does serve something light and one can buy other things. Only snag is that this has resulted in very heavy air traffic which our aerodromes are not well equipped to handle. The flights do get delayed. Spicejet being a much smaller outfit there were no announcements and one has to go on enquiring and on the spot. But hopefully all this will improve with time. All in all it was a good experience with low fares and good, enjoyable journey.