Jan 04, 2017 12:18 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Jan 04, 2017 12:25 AM)
I picked shanti niketan for my kid as a temprorary school, as I was late getting admissions to other schools so called good and famous schools . But to my surprise and with the experience of 3, years now, this is one of the best schools if your kid want to academically excel.This school may not give you a first impression if you compare with well marketed schools, but the teachers here are very experienced and matured . Fees is very low and affordable. Kids learn empathy and moral things well. Not so many extra curricular things and have the very needed ones and hence no extra costs and burden to parents and kids. Moreover your kid will be around with kids whom atleast don't compare too much materialistic stuff. In short no hi fi dramas between kids.
I see good improvement in my kids studies. And overall improvement as a good morally sound kid compared to other hi fi school kids.