Oct 03, 2015 07:55 PM
The first thing a video game should do(the only thing a video game is supposed to do) is let the player have some fun. And does this game deliver!
Saints Row 3 is based in the fictional city of Steelport. You play as(there’s no name. You’re simply referred to as ‘The Boss’) who is the leader of a gang called as the Third Street Saints. There are already 3 rival gangs in Stillwater namely Deckers, Luchadores and the Morningstar. We later have to fight against S.T.A.G, who is a kind of military response force which come to deal with us after we turn innocent people into zombies(accidentally). Some of the main characters in the Saints are Kinzie, Pierce, Shaundi and Johny Gat. The game is actually a Grand Theft Auto parody but it’s a 100 times more humorous and fun to play.
The game begins with an intro mission after which a player customization screen pops up and you can customize your player however you want. This is a very good feature because you have got so many features and hence no two players’ characters will be the same. After all that is done you get to immerse yourself in a bizarre story line ad some pretty crazy side quests like driving a car with a tiger in it, punching jacked up Mexican wrestlers in the face, transform into a toilet and many, many more fun stuff like this.
I’m not going to be explaining the plot of this game only because it is a really long story and it takes a lot of time to say it. But this is a rough idea- Saints are loved by everyone, fighting gangs and authority, everyone hates them and they try to win the love back. Together with the main characters, Angel, Zimos and Viola the Saints battle it out against all odds.
The presentation is a very good setup. Certain plot points just get us into some ridiculous situations. I also really liked the phone interface. I’ve seen this is GTA games but this cell phone interface was much better than GTA. The graphics and all are good but there are a few rough edges here and there. The voice acting is very well done and the soundtrack is very interesting. An addictive game play mixed with some RPG style is very fun to play. I completed the game in 15 hours in the in the counter but I kept going to 26 hours to get to the 100% completion mark.
All in all the game is very fun to play and addictive. If you haven’t played this one, you’re really missing out on something.