Dec 10, 2009 04:59 PM
I had to go in for this since it had support for an Apple Notebook too. But otherwise I even had my own personal use too.
To start with, it boasts upto 3.1 MBPS speed, if you can even get 1 MBPS speed on that, consider urself lucky. When you complain, they will say a datacard can only give that much of speed in your area.
You cannot change your plan from postpaid to prepaid unless you have completed 6 months of use. If you happen to disconnect it temporarily, you cannot use the same device for another connection. Even if they give you, they will make your life hell. And even if you choose to do disconnect, you will need to get into a safe custody option where your account will be halted for that period but you will need to pay some 100 bucks to keep your account alive.
I would suggest dont go for this thinking it will give good speed though it is wireless. It in fact never gives and the complications of the plans will make you more miserable. If you anyway have to opt for this, take a prepaid plan and recharge with a small amount to keep it alive. This instrument is not for good internet use, but just basic use like checking emails etc.