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Review No 400
Apr 27, 2011 04:48 PM 3729 Views

It  was a long journey  that started almost  7 years back, Dec 2003 was when I wrote my first Review on Mouthshut.  And then I started to  read  most of the Star writers reviews, people like premjit, sujoy_g, lavagopal, rjois.  These were the stars of  Mouthshut,  whose reviews attracted so many users. Like any one else, I  dreamt of being in that league, to be seen as one of the stars on Mouthshut.

2004.2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.   The years  kept passing, and my addiction to Mouthshut just grew more and more.   If  I had to share something it  would have to be on Mouthshut.  To be honest, Mouthshut  was the last kind of  place, some one like me would  be in.  This  was a site, where brands and products were rated, and analyzed on.  And  I  was a zero in that area.  To me both Cadburys and Nestle seemed the same, and I preferred the former, only because it was a childhood favorite of mine.  Never much of a restaurant lover,  any day I would prefer the humble dhaba or the Darshini in Bangalore  for a quick bite, or the road side eateries.  And I could add nothing to what was the difference between a Sony Mobile or an Ericsson mobile, to me any mobile was fine as long as I could talk to my friends with it.

But  fortunately  Mouthshut,  had the categories for my other passions- movies, books, music and sports.  A born cinemaniac, a die hard bibliophile and a  music lover to the core, those categories allowed me to share  my views on  what  I was really passionate about. And before the diaries, came, I would  pick up some advice topics to share my thoughts on political and social  issues, quite often trying to force fit into a category.  What counted  was that there seemed to be a whole lot of people on MS, who seemed to share my passions,  and that is where I began to meet them.  And I just wrote, it was like Mouthshut became my own personal blog.  Any  topic on which I had an idea, I would just come and write it out, sometimes  trying to fit it into some category, this was much before diaries  were  introduced.

From 2005-2007  was the peak period, when I was the most active on Mouthshut, where I was like publishing a review almost every  3rd or 4th day.  But  it  was not the Star Writer  or any kind of records I wrote, for me writing  was the best way to express myself.  I just wanted to share my views through my writing, my ideas, my passions, my likes, and my dislikes.  It  was like a caravan, I met people here, made friends, some of them really wonderful people, and then somewhere down the line they disappeared.  Every year  got used to seeing  a whole group of  writers I knew on Mouthshut,  quitting en masse.I did keep in touch with some personally, but  lost contact with others.

It  was from late 2008  to now, that my appearances on Mouthshut had become more erratic, more irregular.  Many reasons,  a  feeling  that I  was stuck,  writing on other sites, many of my long time friends quitting, too many changes in the format.  I did  make attempts to come back in, be more regular, but  somehow  they did not last long.  Maybe it  was because of  the  fact, that  was having a whole  lot  of  stuff on hand.   Also  many new faces  whom I never knew much, missing  most of my old friends, many of whom seemed to have quit.  In the meanwhile  there was Facebook and then Twitter.  My  350th  review  was written on May  18, 2008  which is  almost  like 3 years back, and  that  is one of the longest  gap I ever had on Mouthshut.

Again my review no 399, was written on  Aug 18, 2010, and  I had planned to  put up my review no 400  soon  after. But  a whole lot of  stuff happened, but most importantly,  I had lost the passion and interest in writing.  I  just could not bring  myself to write  anything, not  just on Mouthshut,  but anywhere else. Blame it on Twitter, when I could send  half a dozen messages on a topic, get the responses, why  would  I have to  spend so much effort on writing  something.Also was continually exhausted with all that writing, not just on Mouthshut, but even on the other forums. And I strongly believe that if you are not interested or passionate about some thing, makes no sense in forcing yourself to do that. Add to I don't even get paid for what I write.

The 400th  review of  mine is  not  for  any  records  on Mouthshut, I don't even know how many more I can write.  But  the  reason I choose to  write again  is  simple, to keep alive the passion of  writing I have in  me.  I  just  don't  want to  lose  it  any time, because  it  is  this  that  keeps  me  grounded,  keeps  me  sane  in an otherwise  insane world.  And  I  hereby  dedicate this to  all those on my Trusted  List, who  took time off to  read my  ramblings.


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