Sep 25, 2016 06:23 PM
After a long time I have watched Indian Hindi Horror, thriller movie.
Although this movie is nowhere close to conjuring but a good attempt.
This movie revolves around a husband, wife and her ex-lover.
In this movie the script goes quiet well but fails because there are lot of un-answered questions in viewers mind.
Movie keeps your finger crossed for suspense but then you will be able to know yourself and suspense does not remains till shown in movie.
Also the movie ending is quiet predictable and bit lenghty, director tried to keep it someting similar to conjuring series but added some indian tadka. The movie location chosen is quiet boring.
Music is good and suits the movie script. Role of Emraan Hasmi role is not what one expected.
Indian tadka added in movie is nothing but Mangalsutra being saviour between Husband and Evil.
Movie would have been a lot better if leading actors chosen would have been a weel-know and experienced.
Neverthless a good attempt failed.