Oct 28, 2018 03:53 PM
Order no: #304669094
Here is the story:
The payment is taken, for Dhurrie.
Waited for 6 days to arrive as I had planned some use out of it.
7th day got a message we are initiating the refund as we can't deliver the Dhurrie.
I bought the same item from the local market Story end.
But it left a lot as my takeout and one of among is pepperfry is not reliable in the context of providing the service.
There is an obvious feature called "Out of stock" just in case they don't have inventory, but ridiculously the Dhurrie is still available on the website. If you notice there is a message when we start skype "The skype cannot be used for the emergency purpose", pepperfry should also write when a user lands on the website like "pepperfry cannot be trusted for emergency orders, order on own risk"
Hats of you Chor and Luttera people, just take money for the name of sale and look around if you can deliver within the promised amount otherwise initiate the refund as the customer can't complain as he is getting money back.