Jan 23, 2016 01:20 PM
Our order no 1429907627 has been already reverse pickup by DELHIVERY with AWB 195021810201 .PAYTM says DELHIVERY has wrongly picked up the parcel and DELHIVERY says they had received pickup request from PAYTM
We are stuck up between this two poor ONLINE entity.When a courier came again to pickup the order 1429907627 on next day again we have informed, called and mailed many times to PAYTM & DELHIVERY.We have asked DELHIVERY to stop this shipment they did not gave us indore number and asked us to get email from PAYTM
PAYTM CUSTOMER SUPPORT TEAM is POOR and LACKS understanding customer issuer.They are clueless and till date have not understand this issue even after sending them so many emails
They are just concerned with sending a standard reply-We will sort this in 24/48 hours which never happens
You should avoid this online store as ones you are stuck up you will lose your patience in getting support from this people