Dec 14, 2015 12:34 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Dec 14, 2015 12:34 PM)
On air with AIB is obe of the best awarness show in india which tells about the present drawbacks in india.
AIB started with posting videos in youtube, from few years AIB made many funny videos about the needs and drawbacks of present indian situation, the started mokind indian situation in those video, one of my favourt amoung those videos is the video of arrange marrage they showed that situvation very nicely, by showing that both the parties talk stright forward no hiding nothing, say every thing stright. I liked this videos very much.
Now they came up with this show where they dont show video but thy give mock speeck and mock interview about the indian situation, how bad it is and how we people are ignoring it.
I like this show very much and I also suggest all indians to watch this show.