Sep 05, 2016 08:04 PM
Hi All,
I have 2 OGen split’s one 1.5T & one 1T.
Few inputs for your benefit from my personal experience …
There are 2 types of compressors. Piston & Rotary. Piston is less prone to issues when compared to rotary. Piston units are bulkier & consumes a little more power when compared to rotary units. Cooling wise you can’t see a much bigger difference.
Issues with electronic equipments is purely fate. If you are lucky it will work on & on. If you are not even the numero uno product in the market will be a pain in your butt.
Coming back …
I bought them in grey market, for the very obvious reason “they are cheap”. But I bought it from a very reliable & knowledgeable technician who knows in & out of OGen models. My 1.5T & 1T are imported ones. Only in 1.5T you can find the “made in —country” tag. You will not see it in 1T. My 1.5T is from Thailand. I have also enquired in a lot of places, the “made in —country” can be found only in models >1T.
My 1.5T is a piston unit & 1T is a rotary unit. Both the units where installed in Oct ’12. 1.5T is working perfectly fine. No issues. However I had an issue with my 1T. I got it fixed & its fine now.
My usage of 1T is regular. I rarely use 1.5T. However the power consumption per month has increased by 2 folds, defeating the argument that rotary units comsume less power. However I need to do more research on this though.
OGen has an assembling unit(not manufacturing unit) at Pondicerry in Tamilnadu. So all the authorised dealers in India will give you only Indian units. You need to ask the dealer if they sell imported ones as well. I had enquired a lot. Very very few dealers deal with imported ones. In any of Indian units you will never find the “made in —country” tag.
Also please note that any issues with your A/C, your voltage satbilizer might also be a culprit. I have installed 2 V-Gaurd VND 400(4KVA) which has a meter to check the output voltage. I always check the output voltage before turning on the units. Now a days you have wide range stabilizers with digital meters. Go for them, even though they are a little costlier.
Though our fridges & tv units are attached to a voltage stabilizer, they do fail. So is the A/C unit.
To sum it all … I am a happy customer till date. Also feel free to correct me if I am worng anywere …