Feb 23, 2016 11:03 AM
Nokia pc suite is one the very useful softwares for those who dont have internet connection in there house. firstly when I was using nokia c1-01 phone it does not have any wifi hotspot to give wifi to my pc then I searched for an software from which I can use phone internet in my pc then I came to know about this software with the help of this I can use my nokia phone internet in p.c.
When phone is connected to p.c with usb cable then you need to open nokia pc suite software there you will find an option called connect to internet by clicking on it one new window will open showing that connect whith usb cable of through bluetooth by clicking on usb then in 10-15 seconds it gets connected and from the you may use you phone internet on p.c not only this but also you can backup data, share videos, update phone software and all others uses and I dont feel any problem in recommending this software as it is very helpful for me.