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Aug 01, 2007 09:05 PM 3318 Views

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I have been doing the most difficult thing on earth for the past few months and that is being idle. Hang on...there is something more challenging too...and that is the quick search that your brain does, when you're being confronted with the question ''what do you do to kill time?''... When I was thinking....(ok now,  out with the truth : BLINKING) what to say (as I was myself not contented with household work, watching TV and chatting alone)  when a new friend was asking me the same question....she told me about this site and the introduction that she gave me was ''you can read / write reviews ...but you have to do a lot of research for that, and just can't write any damn thing that crosses your mind''....And that was how I was introduced to this site.

The very next day, I registered with MS and started browsing through some of the reviews.... After reading just 2 reviews, (and not rating either of them) I just started off to write one myself, feeding my instinct to act with haste...... This I did before I could have rated even a single review of anyone....No wonder there were only 2 noble souls to rate my review....( but  that did give me the encouragement to move on).


  • I understand from various comments that ALERTS ARE NOT ALERT ANYMORE ...But this has been the case for me ever since I joined MS. ...I seldom receive mails, or I receive rating alerts when my review moves out of the latest 50 reviews.!

  • I have seen the same review being posted as REVIEW OF THE DAY twice....Ofcourse it was worth being honoured as ROD twice, but I don't think that was the reason for the review featuring in ROD section on two different dates.

 Some of the reviews written on the mouthpad, just vanishes into thin air....This forces people to write under inappropriate categories, making a very well written review lose its value, as it would become difficult to retrieve for future reference.

  • The newly found problem of comments getting duplicated or triplicated...This makes me feel awkward to comment even once in any review...

The aforesaid were on the technical side....Now coming to what I feel that we as reviewers can contribute :

I have noticed in most of the reviews, there are  no comments / suggestions  added for an SU , where it is more required for the writer to improve.....While  the reason for the low rating maybe more than obvious for the reader who has rated it,  comments and views  would help the reviewer to improve...(please refer to the encouraging comment by Ateesh / Hakoonamatata in sshreeraj's review on Coonoor).........

There are reviews which invite healthy arguments in the comments section which at times become more interesting and absorbing than the review itself. Such is the power of interaction, and that is something which I find to be as informative as a well written review itself.


*~Though I love to learn new things, I dont quite follow the technicalities of any electronic product, but still when we wanted to buy a camera, I suggested my husband to read some reviews here to make up his mind...He told me that many reviews gave him the necessary details...

~ I read most of the movie reviews, irrespective of whether I would see the movie or not..somehow I find them to be more interesting , than the movie itself...Same thing I would say for Book Reviews too...

~ I usually look for a review with a  catchy title and would read the review no matter under what category its posted...that's the reason for giving a catchy title afterall...!

~ I have come to know of many things that I wouldn't have imagined...I like to keep track of what is happening in the world, and in some way or the other MS helps in that way too...there are reviews on current happenings grouped under some head time and again...

~ I have learnt and developed some nice attitude...this I would say without any doubts ...whatever we write in a review or in the comment section, is mostly straight from the heart....and I know of many people (one who immediately comes to my mind is Rohit) here who read/rate/comment in most of the reviews which is really good and which is the essence and  true spirit of being here...

Just like how beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I feel we derive opinions on the way we perceive things....In my personal opinion, MS is a place which can be a source for information, a place to vent out your feelings, whatever be it, a place to improve your skills (both writing and judgement)....and certainly a good hobby .MS has been a reason for me to smile, think and analyse and so I am still here !

Brand Response

Dear Ramya,If MS brings a smile to your lips, then we feel that we're on the right path. We're not perfect but we spend every hour in office deliberating and discussing ways that would make MS infallible.Yes, I admit MouthPad and emails get delayed, RODs do cause a flutter now and then, but hey don't despair, we're working on all shortcomings.- Jasmine

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By: MouthShut_Official | Aug 02, 2007  04:52 PM imageComments 6

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