Feb 07, 2008 12:14 PM
(Updated Feb 07, 2008 12:15 PM)
MouthShut Official Cares
MouthShut Official is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
You and me and anyone like mouthshut.com as it is the only Website where a consumer can submit the positive and negative aspects of any product. But this "Any product" does not imply to mouthshut.com because there are only limited products mentioned in this website. even the most popular products are not displayed in mouthshut.com for a review. Mouthshut is not a new website. it was here since 2000. Hence they should include all available products in India atleast. I will explain the story below.
As I told I am a consumer who like to write about the products I own, I wrote a review of HIT - Mosquito spray on this website. Mostly any Indian or any one who see TV channels or any one who hate mosquito or any one who love to say good night knows what is Hit Spray. it can be included in house hold items as well.
The real story comes here. As mostly any one knows what Hit - Spray is but our mouthshut.com does not know or even the C.E.O Faisal or jasmine dosent know or they dont know to categories this particular product. they dont know what is its use.
What I am claiming is that if mouthshut.com is the website for consumers and if they dont know one single product that is being used in our India (abroad I dont know) how can they claim this is a consumer oriented website ? I send emails to faizal and jasmine but they replied they dont know or categorise this product.
I requested in there MOUTHPAD to include hit-spray and wrote and immediate review about it. but they denied my request. I send an email to faisal and even he denied my request. Faizal what is this ?. All this happened 4 months ago. still if any one search for Hit spray there is no such product listed.
Conclusion. Hit mosquito spray is just one product mouthshut ignored. but as per mouthshut policy they should include all products that is mostly used by humans in this website. then only there will be success for this website.
Apart from that I love mouthshut. and I appreciate Faisal for creating such a wonderful consumer oriented website. Huge Thanks. But Faisal please remember to include all products that is mostly used by HomoSapiens (humans).
Thanks and Regards,
Anil kumar.A.V.