Dec 09, 2015 11:01 PM
I had purchased Canvas 4 in Sept 2013, almost 2 months phone was in service centre, due to repeat proble
Good Product. Bad Customer Service. I purchased Canvas 4 in May'13.
Following are the things whuch I dont like about this mobile
Poor Wifi reception
Micromax devices(except for Canvas A1 which is from android one program from Google) seem to have problem identifying cellular signal providers. They take a lot of time to latch on the cellular network. In this process they sometimes hang or show no signal.
Poor screen quality.
Poor build quality.
Services are poor, Service centers quality is too bad. They are not having solutions for complaints & take 10 days to repair any problem. better to buy other brands.
Display not having life more then 1 year. Company selling sub standard product.
So I decided to post my comments on Mouthshut to which Micromax team responds with an apology and asks me to write an email. After doing that I get another email stating that someone from their team would contact me soon. It's been 2 days now and I haven't heard back yet.
Real very shame, Micromax!
I will not reccommend this.