Jan 13, 2016 07:41 PM
(Updated Jan 13, 2016 07:42 PM)
800 MODEL car came to india in the year 1984 I think so.
I need not write too descriptive on this car.
So rough one could drive the car and ofcourse the body was strong. Easy to understand the mechanism and from village roads to capital city roads it suited. So much energy it has, easy to change the tires.
Easy to drive the car, those days when this car came, roads were really bad, hence a little uncomfort to sit in the car, but today 800 can travel to any type of roads, even small width is ok.
It is time the makers reintroduce this car, next to Ambassador maruti is the best life saver. It is a toy sized but elephant level it can compete. Time to go back to old maruti 800 because it costs less and no one wil thive, repair is cheaper too. One can become a self mechanic because it is sturdy car even if you buy 30 year old model car. I will detail why one must venture to buy used maruti because what ever u spend it is worth the gold.