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Regular hi regulare
Oct 12, 2015 11:42 AM 9383 Views



MARIO PUZO said Don Carlene is killed by opposing family because, he did not agree to deal in drugs, that is Marlon Brando for the folks who frequent movie theaters, we cannot approach our day to day life problems in this manner.

Okay, Okay I am with you, this is a bad habit, it effects are printed on the pack itself and sellers are warned on the pack'For Adults only' we close all cigarette factories; we sue left right and centre every cigarette manufacturer and peruse them to close their doors to the business.

What about the employees, what about the Engineers who make machines, what about the Tobacco growers, what about the traders, leave all this people, they can take care of themselves, if not god is their counsel. What about our poor Governments, if not us who will take care of our Governments, who is their counsel.

If government is not there who will build the Quadrilateral Highways, who will electrify our localities, who will pay the police, who will pay the military, I can go on without end. Our Government gets 30% as tax from the cost of each cigarette sold by the makers. What alternate arrangements have we thought of to offset this income to the exchequer? No idealists demonstrations on the roads has a clue, this source is steady and very old income for our governments, its cash immediate and cold. Do we envisage the amount of disturbance we are causing by interfering with smokers and manufacturers?

Look! This whole industry can come to a stand still, every door manufacturing cigarettes can be closed in a jiffy, all this power is in the hands of one person alone, this one person is capable of bringing a revolution in the world all over. Do we know who this person is, he is the SMOKER himself!

No more demonstrations please, no more making fat lawyers more fat, no more suing, no more unachievable targets, YOU CAN TAKE A HORSE TO THE WATER AND CANNOT MAKE IT DRINK, every mother, sister, brother, father, friend, lover, neighbor, son, daughter can make the smoker give up this habit. That is the only practical approach to the problem; we are suffering from the revenge of POCAHANTS and her tribe. It all started with peace pipes.


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Marlboro Regular