Jan 05, 2017 10:54 PM
(Updated Jan 06, 2017 09:23 AM)
Mambalam Iyers Pickle is a popular brand and does get rave reviews from a few but unfortunately my personal opinion about this brand is not very good. There is, of course, nothing wrong about the pickles but I don’t consider them on par with Mother’s Recipe, MTR, 777 or Kitchen Promise.
I have tasted almost all the pickles of Mambalam Iyers brand and would like to say that I hate their Puliyodharai paste(or powder-I am not very sure as it is a couple of years since I tasted and detested it) though onion pickle is the one I relished and consumed again and again.
Competition in the food industry being high, it is indeed a herculean task for manufacturers of pickles to bring out the best in taste, presentation and value.
With due regards to the makers as the packaging is decent and a somewhat good job has been done by way of manufacturing pickles that are popular, I would like to say that taste wise, I still think that they have a long way to go. This is my humble personal opinion as a serious foodie.