Sep 19, 2007 02:35 PM
(Updated Aug 31, 2010 01:07 PM)
MAKEMYTRIP (INDIA) Public LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
MMt is a totally unreliable, inefficient, irresponsible portal taking the travelers for a ride.
In June, 2010 I wrote to MMT as follows;
MMT is very bad in making refunds, this has been my experience every time.
Following refunds for my daughter's ticket have not been received despite a
considerable time lapse
RRNO. 5921332770: Rs.2379/- Cancellation No: 0912R0291668
RR NO. same as above: Rs. 2381/- Cancellation No: 0912R0291659
Flight Id for both tickets is 9338754
Please revert immediately, and I would appreciate a refund cheque.
For the tickets cancelled in April-2010, they have not made me the refunds till date and there is no satisfactory reply.
Calling them on their phone numbers is a frustrating and nerve wrecking experience, they keep on IVRS hold for hours and even then you dont get any proper replies. they hv employed dumb customer care agents who hardly know anything.
I would advise all the readers of this review never to patronise MMT. I have blacklisted them forever now and I will never use again.
Cleartrip is lot better.