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Not what I expected of Dan Brown I would say
Dec 02, 2009 03:45 AM 3146 Views



Mr.Robert Langdon is back and again he is running behind something and someone is about  die. Isn't this what he was doing in both the books writtn by Brown previously. He is back at it and this time he is older but still athletic. Great, we have another gud book you say. I agree!!!!!! It is well written. Before I say what are the things that have changed let me tell you all about the book.

Robert Langdon is called by a friend of his to give a seminar to D.C. Here he finds out that he was not called by his friend but by a stranger who is expecting Robert to find a hidden staircase leading to some treasure. In this book the treasure that is being searched for is knowledge that can give unlimited power to a human being in turn making him equal to God. This knowledge hunt takes Langdon through a lot of twists and turns. The friends' sister joins Langdon in the hunt.

The reason Langdon is called in for this job is because he holds in his possession a part of the Masonic Pyramid which apparently ahs the map for the hidden treasure. How Convenient?????? This treasure is something that the Free Masons have been guarding for over a 100 years. Like in his previous books where Langdon is the hero here he is not. Does Langdon find this treasure from the map on the pyramid........ NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Why?????? Because he does not believe that the treasure exists in the first place and that the last place it would be hidden is Washington D.C. And that he doesn't know  this time what he is looking for. The only thing he concentrates on in this book is saving his friend from the stranger......

Okay, all this is good but the storyline....I mean the way the story goes on is not the greatest thing in this book. Brown in this book has made Robert Langdon-the hero, a wek character in this book. He has made him look like an idiot when a blind man shows him what to look for when he has not been able to think of it earlier. Fine, let's take it that Langdon does not know anything about the Masonic Pyramid and the blind man being a mason does. But the climax of this book starts too early. By the time you finish half the book you already would guess who the stranger is and what he wants. You will also guess that the friend is alive and he will be because that is the true course. This book is well researched and written and that is a very good point in it. Almost every group and place mentioned in this book are or were existent on the face of the earth.

When I read the book I felt that he should have taken a little more time to start the climax. The twist which the book climaxes in is good if it dawns on the reader only at the climax. Robert Langdon is a character who has been a part of biblical conspiracies and that made him a hero. This time it turned into a Masonic conspiracy and that changed the course of Langdon's travel, which is another reason for the book's downfall.

We can catch on a one time read unlike the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons which can be read more than once. When we think on a global level Dan Brown's previous books were highly criticized, nonetheless they sold over a million copies. This one though is not looking like its going loose the rat race to that mark by a long way.

My thoughts are such but it again depends on what the world thinks doesn't it. So people put on your thinking caps and take your swords in hand. A writers' pen is mightier than a sword they say, so let's all say what we have to.

Adieos Munchachos..................


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Lost Symbol, The - Dan Brown