Lodha Developers Cares
Lodha Developers is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
Hi, I request all perpective home buyer not to buy properties from lodha as they are delaying in construction by 2 to 3 years. Lodha is prelaunhing project at discount prices to attract customer. However, the delivery of projects are very pathetic. I bought a flat in lodha luxuria and the possesion date was december 12. The status is that now they are going to give me in Septmeber 12 which may be delayed further buy sighting reasons that approvals are still pending. My request to all customers that please do not get carried away by lodha's marketing strategy as I was. You will definitely get impressed with the marketing strategy that lodha adopt but once you buy a house from lodha then you will be in tears to get possesion.