Jan 23, 2016 05:50 PM
Looks extremely good and nice! and I don't mind the little extra weight, generally like phones on the heavier side, feels robust.
Fingerprint is working very well and is a very good addition in this price range.
First time VIBE UI experience and its not bad and the firmware update gave the option to choose Google style UI as well with app drawer -> So no complaints. Need to dig more on different features like gestures etc.
Normal electronic goods heating, nothing alarming
32 gigs+ 32 gigs(SD Card) -> enough space for all the needs
Screen is excellent
Battery life is very good- 4900 mAh
Camera needs to be tested further
The power button is fine but it is shaking a lot. Doesn't feel sturdy. Not sure if it is the case for all.
Slight lags in apps, here and there -> Can be ignored. Not really a problem
Overall a great phone for the money and completely satisfied till now.