Jun 12, 2012 03:32 PM
If you have any chevrolet car which is in very good condition and due for a service, please resist the temptation of taking it to Kropex Chevrolet (Delaer near Hosa Road Junction, Hosur Road). The service assistants don't have a clue about the service- all they can do is sell them nothing afterwards. That's true right across all levels- right from the person who prepares the job sheet till the person who is in charge of the day-to-day affairs.
Going into the details of my horrible experiences-
I started visitng Kropex sometime since the mid of last year (around June end) for service check-ups.My vehicle was due for a 20k service around September 2011. I never got any call from the dealer reminding me of the service, which usually is the practice. When I turned up at the showroom, the speedo reading was well past 23K and the dealer refused to do the 20K check as there was one more due at 25k. I did escalate this to the higher levels possible, but ultimately had to forego one service. Ultimately, when the call went for service, it was not-a-great job with one minor scratch. I left the showroom without further discussions as it has already been too-much by that time.
The recent experience was for a 30k service. This time, the car was kept ready with some strains (post washing), some paint marks here and there and one more scratch mark. It seems as if it is a routine for the service people to make scratches as if it is a symbol of service done/completed. I had heated arguments with the service in-charge regarding the stains, scratches and paint marks but that did not yeild any result. The service in-charge was only adamant in getting the car rewashed, that too in 5 minutes!!! For a moment, I felt that my car will be dipped in water, instead of wash. That's what can be done in 5 minutes.
And regarding the scratch mark, he kept scratching his head and the job sheet and explained me that it is indeed mentioned on the job card which was not the case. At the end of the heated discussions, I felt that's it's just a waste of time arguing with these people who can at best only show their arrogance. Even the management was mum on the issue even after repeated escalations.
The only reason that I had been visiting the dealer is their proximity to my house. But, with repeated scratch marks after every service, I am just too scared to go there again. Probably from next time on, they might start with making few dents here and there as a mark of their workmanship. Lol!!!
God save your car.