Aug 25, 2007 09:55 AM
(Updated Sep 04, 2007 09:56 AM)
I am writing about the 300 liter version of Kenstar refrigerator. I have used it for about a year and I am now having problems with cooling. A service ticket (No. 130030) was registered on 13th August 2007 and until now, there is no response from Kenstar. This is in spite of my almost daily calls to their service number. Meanwhile, I had to endure with living without a refrigerator for 16 days AND COUNTING.
I have searched their website to locate some Service Manager names and addresses, and I have found some number of Kenstar's Regional Office (in Bangalore).
Again, this did not help because they passed on my information to some outsourced service agencies (this is how Kenstar operates, I assume) who do not care anything about customer satisfaction/retention. I know that some larger and better-organized companies have their own in-house service departments that are more accountable and are more responsive to customer complaints.
The overall warranty is only for a year (4 years for compressor - I am told), so I am unlucky not to be in the warranty period.
If you are looking for a company that has a responsive customer service, Kenstar is not for you. I will certainly not recommend.