Oct 02, 2019 08:36 PM
There are often times, when hardships compel a person to reach out towards the masses. The reason for this could materialize in many forms including- just easing the brunt, simply wanting a solution or trying to validate oneself through mutuality.
It could also mean that sorting ordeals would not be the ideal goal. In fact it might also allude somewhere between the above mentioned theories in the context.
A similar premise is set in "The Joker" which follows his existence. It is the public who are left with the choice of Arthur Fleck(Joaquin Phoenix) roaming the streets dressed in fancy colors to put food on the table; or the menace who makes his own solitary red color. This becomes an essence of the flick and is neatly knitted alongside a crime crippled city with selfless oppression. An eerily haunting representation of the DC universe looms in the background, and is adjusted with few attributes which reminisces the yore. The plot suffers a tad as it simply sticks to a general outline.
The sensation who takes home the beacon is undoubtedly- Joaquin Phoenix justifying his selection for the role. There are moments where with all due respect, people will say he has outdone the late(Heath Ledger). He twists, turns and guffaws all the way to put a smirk on your face shedding the importance of an uprising which can be avoided through supervision in society.
A solution which ticks for director Todd Phillips while resorting to darker humor is his conservative optimism. The film was least expected to be pulled off by a person of his caliber and he disappoints in that regard.
There is a brand of amazing visual storytelling and top draw performances which does not let the viewers feel bored ever. The concluding half is just scintillating, drawing the curtains on the begging of a new world.
It is better if you miss the world for this near 2 hour humdinger.