Jan 14, 2013 09:36 AM
I have jaquar bathroom fittings in my flat and I learned that the company also provide serving for the same. In Pune, I contacted the customer service and asked them to send someone to get the servicing done at my place. Let me tell you, these guys are almost not trained enough to carry out the work. They came to my place, after considerable follow up and reminders, did not complete the work, always complained that they forgot some tool or it went missing from their bag.
While fixing the tap holders, they either fix it wrongly and also later we found they interchanged the hot cold panels too. They take 3-4 hours to do this kind of work only to my shock that they reversed the water flow in one of the taps.
Though it is good to get the servicing done for the panels, beware of in experienced persons visiting from them. They will screw up your fittings. Make sure you monitor their work and test the results properly. Unless you are not sure all is well, don't leave them. If your work is not done properly, don't let them close the case with customer service. This is the only way to put pressure on them.
It's been a month since I logged this case with customer service, but the work at my flat is still incomplete.
Though I would recommend these products to everyone, but the post service is pathetic. There is no escalation policy also provided.