Jan 15, 2017 02:06 AM
This is the hatrick movie combination of nageswar reddy garu and allari naresh, and every one thinks this will be also block buster but the estimation of peopls taste is totally wrong, the story is not different and we saw like this kind of stories lot of times so thats why this movie did not get hit.this is the comedy horror movie as we all know allari naresh garu is a comic hero as well, but the judgement of the story is wrong, some scenes are very funny but audince cant connect the characters why they are coming, and the characters in this film not bad and some scenes are unneccessory and the story goes little bit of confusion and bore acting wise allari naresh and rajendra prasad garu and all senior acters and actress good, but the story line is week, songs is tooo good as a music director sai karthik did well, and dance is tooo good in all songs, production values is good but they can make more bettre, heroines is good in their roles, there is no too much of horror and comedy dont expect the movie will entertain us, but without expectations you will defenitely enjoy the movie