Dec 09, 2015 10:07 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Dec 09, 2015 10:07 PM)
This show is trlicasted in zee tv. It is one of the famous reality show in india. Every time zee tv come up with a inovative idea on reality show 1st they brought sa re ga ma pa singing show, then dance india dance, than can u do this and also india's best dramebaaz to show the tallent of acting of small small kids.
In this a reality show where small kides above age of 3years can show their tallent of acting. Vivek oberoy and two other jurdges will jurdge this show and also there is voting write for common people so we can sellect the best participent as the winner of the show.
Last sesion there was many participents in this show they were all very cute and were very active and very talanted many participents have also got chance to act in movies.