I used iBall compBook Excelance since one year.I had no idea iBall compBook before.I used iBall sound system that is very good.For that reference I brought this product.After one year It do not show any problem. Its feature is well according to the value of money .I like this product and it should be high rate .
It is very easy to use.All type of people is able to use.No critical feature are added here.Its buttan of the key board is very suitable to use.
It is very good quality product.Its all parts are very good.Its ram, harddisk, camera etc are well.Even all parts are avaible its service center.You can easy to change .No problem happen if it is not working properly.
It has 32 GB harddisk, 1GB ram, DDR 3 code processor. It has camera also .According to all feature I think its value of money is not more. It is very less comparely .
Its service center is avaible all standard city.you have not felt problem if it is fault .It service center is also very good.Not arragment of the customer.And service is well.
So I highly recommend to you to buy this product .Not loss your valuable money.