Mar 02, 2018 12:26 PM
Let us know that Honda Cliq is a 110 cc scooter specially developed to provide maximum utility with added value
of comfort and convenience. The Honda Click is powered by a 110cc Bs4 analog engine which produces 8bhp
and 8.94 nm toraue and comes with Honda CVT gearbox in the mileage.
As the name implies, the Honda Cliq is unique and made for for one purpose. Honda offers a wide and spacious
footboard, enhances the convenience and utility of enhanved capacity by loading large under-seat storage space
and rear carrier optional and the reability.
This scooter has many specialties and has the option of tuballess tires for additional grip. It is equipped with
Mobile Phone Charging Socket and Hond's Combi Brake System9CBS) technology. The Honda Cliq is coming in
many colors. Avilable for sale in Patriotic Red and Standard&Graphic Variants with White, Black, Morocco Blue
with Whilte, and Orkus Gray of
Meanwhile, comes in Maharashtra with more than 40% scooters in two-wheeler sales. In the form of early
adopter of quotations. There is a growing demand in the state and diverse customer needs and the scooter
segment is now ready for this subdivision.
"Honda has continued to lead the country's scooterization, and our new launch, the Cliq is moving forward in the
next phase of Honda to carry the scootering deeper. In scooters, on the scale of their unique economies, Honda
has broken the price gap between automatic transmission and mass motorcycles.
My opinion on Honda Clia:-
Honda Click is a practical and purposeful scooter, ideal for some challenging roads in the rural areas as well as
for urban forests on the pit. Honda kept the price of the Cliq in view keeping the competition in mind.