Feb 04, 2016 05:24 PM
Like everyone, we too strongly detest insects and cockroaches and mosquitoes in our house. Thankfully, there haven't been many either.
But last year, somehow there appeared small, teeny tiny cockroaches. Especially at night, there were so many seen around on the kitchen floor.
We tried to get rid of them with the help of using phenyle while getting the floor mopped. But there was no affect.
Then I got Red Hit that is meant for cockroaches. We sprayed it at night and it did seem effective. In a few days, the number of cockroaches became smaller and smaller.
Then once, I saw a lizard in one of our room. Now, that is another creature that I don't want to see in our house. It was actually on the window.
I don't know why, but I got the same Hit spray, opened the window and sprayed Hit in the direction of the lizard, from quite a distance. To my utter surprise and delight, lizard went straight out of the window. I was too happy that lizard was out of our sweet home. Lizard was happy that it was out and alive.:)
Now, I have found a new weapon to deal with my enemy, the lizards. Our home is lizard free now. If one gets inside even by mistake, it is shown the way out by my Hit Spray!
I think even Godrej Company, the manufacturer of Hit, wouldn't have thought of advertising its product Hit as a repellent for Lizards too!:)