Hi there and I am using this rod in the winter season and this road is used in my home for the last 2 years and we can't find anything kind of Miss happening with this road.
You talk about the user friendly topic of this rod this is all user friendly but you have to make some precaution before using this rod you will be very careful before putting it into the water for a bucket of water switch off the switch on the light board before putting it into the bucket of water if you use this type of main precautions it will be user friendly to everyone because the user friendly is based on the people who are using it.
We talk about the durability of rod this is very good.I thought this about three times and there is nothing happened in the structure of this rod and everything is just go to the durability of this item and my mumma almost drop it from height of 6 feet and nothing happened to this rod so in terms of durability it is very good but do not drop this if it is hot.
this item is handi because it is lightweight easy to use and a proper group in a proper handle is given to pick it up and this handle never get heated up when it is plugin to the board and it is on some of the rod is heated up and the taking bath of the rod is heated so it is one of the most hated things of the heater rod but this could never happens with this heatron Milton 1500 watt immersion heater rod.
We talk about the style and design of this rod is very good and this is similar design and style of this material and it is good in terms of design like all the other heater rods is similar to each and every heater rod like same applies to this.
the mean expect of any electronic item is the customer service and support after selling the particular product and I can bet on you does this is the best service provider of this is small material in the warranty period I have ever used or ever faced my heater rod damaged or stop working in 4 months after purchasing but the customer service agent came to my home pickup the damaged or non-working product and give it to me a new product in 7 working days so this is the best thing about this hitron Milton 1500Amazon heating rod so go ahead and buy this in next went up because this is the one which is the value for money to you.
Thank you