Oct 25, 2016 10:52 AM
(Updated Oct 25, 2016 05:05 PM)
I have used many type of Shampoo of different companies . I have used Head & Shoulders Anti-Dandruff Shampoo in different time to check the result . But, always I faced same result i.e hair fall .
During smapooing in my hair, when I see my hands there are many hair . Next day of Shampooing I also faced hair fall . But, when I have used another shampoo like Dabur, Clinic Plus, I didn't face hair fall as Head & Shoulders . So, I think Head & Shoulders made by some strong base or basic element . Also may be there have too much quantity of basic element . That's the reason of hair fall . This problem is not only for me, many of my friends, relative got hair fall issue .
This shampoo can solved my dandruff for a small . It can't clear dandruff fully from my head skin .
Price of the product is 79/- of 80 ML . So, I think this shampoo is not available at a good reasonable price .
To wash my hair I have to use much quantity of the shampoo . When I use another shampoo, I don't need to use as much as Head & Shoulders . After using it my hair is not softly . Hair are something husky .
Color & smell of Head & Shoulders shampoo is not good not bad .
So, as per my experience I can conclude that, Head & Shoulders is below average quality shampoo . I suggest that, try to unuse this shampoo to avoid hair fall problem .