Main problem in my hair was DANDRUFF. Thats why my hair fall increased day by day. One of my friend suggest me to use this product. And after using one and half year I am quite satisfied. There are so many positive things about this shampoo.
It get easily from near by shop.
It is also a affordable hair care product brand.
I suffer from dandruff due to my dry scalp and dry hair. After using it this problem nearly solved.
Not only the dandruff, it cleans my hair effectively.
My hair became silky after using it.
It takes small quantity and it us very eassy to apply in the hair.
After using it my hair became more stronger. And hair fall problem 70% solve.
The fragnance is of levendor flavour.
I ues this product thrice In a week.
The thing I hate about this product is that it is filled with chemical, that is not goid for haur.
Hence I would recomended use it only when required and not as your daily shampoo.