Sep 23, 2009 03:05 PM
Grow Younger Live Longer : A must for all MSians
Dr. Deepak Chopra was neglected by my as an outsider and not much useful to Indian People. This I am talking about the year 2000-01. I was much closer to Dr. Bharat Chandra and Dr. Shiv Khera whom I met personally in Delhi and following till date.
But from last one month after the purchase of this book titled Grow Younger Live Longer has changed my perception about this makind. This book has become a part of my life and I am following the Steps to look Healthy and Younger. Some of my colleauges are feeling the change in my behaviour. I am feeling trimmed and choosing smart fits for a lean body rather than loose fittings.
About Book:
This book is meticulously drafted and very very simple to follow. If you go on with the instructions and make it a part of your daily routine you are positively going to live longer than what you are destined for. Yes, this is every man's Book. Here author talks about Age Reversing which may not be acceptable to many of us. But according to him:
Human ageing is reversible. Scientific research shows that we can literally turn back the markers of getting old, including blood pressure, muscle strength, cholestrol levels and many others. Using the tools in this book, you can learn specific strengths for melting away those biological years so you can feel, perform and look like you did as as many as fifteen years ago.
Change your perceptions
Access restful awareness and restful sleep
Nurture your body through healthy food
Use nutritional supplements wisely
Enhance mind/body integration
Eliminate toxins from your life
Cultivate flexibility and creativity in consciusness
Maintain a youthful mind.
Grow younger, Live Longer is a marvellous book. Just reading trough its rich content will jump start the process of growing younger. You have composite guide to good health, food guide, exercises, flow charts, meditation and Motivation in this small Bible like hand book. Also you will love to go through the contents again and again. every time you read to will learn a new thing. I loved the way authour teaches us how claculate our Calories intake with the percetage(in grams) division of Fats, Proteins and Carbohydrates required by our body according to our body weight. Again only words coming to my mind are this book is must just like a Bible or a Dictionary in our Sweet Home.
About Author:
Deepak Chopra, MD, is one of the best known and widely respected leaders in the field of mind/body medicine in the world today. Integrating the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda with traditional Western medicine and recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics, he forged a holistic approach to healing that has had enormous popular appeal as well as widespread professional acceptance.
Chopra's accomplishments extend far beyond the halls of the medical schools of Tufts and Boston Universities, where he once taught, or the Boston Regional Medical Center where he was formerly chief of staff. He has authored over forty-two books and one hundred audio, video, and CD-ROM titles, which have been translated into thirty-five languages and have sold over twenty million copies worldwide.