Feb 24, 2009 04:44 PM
This institute make a person indenpent after completing thier course; this instiute I personlly feels as a women that it help specially who wants to do somthing creative in there life. it gives a great platform. I think for women s, there life's are uncertain. in case of any discourage at that time it gives boldness to face that the world.
In present time technical education is most, because after doing any technical degree or diploma course person can capable to earn; to establish a self business, concern their idea's and give their services etc.. to fulfill their requirement.
today the world is moving fast but in this city or near by surroundings people are not so aware and not know about this money oriented course this time to aware them and make themselves independent.
In my knowledge there is only one institute in this city where teahes or trained students to achive there goals ion life