Hello friends,
My name is rohit and today I am writing about goldflake cigrettes. It is very known to all of us that smoking is a bad habit and it can causes many deceases like cancer, tumor etc. Yet many people use to smoke. Goldflake is most selling brand in cigrettes. They claim the honey dew taste in it.
Goldflake is the largest source of tobacco and nikotine. Tobacco is very harmful to human beings. It causes lungs deceases and even causes asthama. It also reduces the liquid in lungs and make them rusty. There are many patients which are affacted by only cigrettes.
Most commonly problem found in smokers is high BP which create the problem of heart stroke and heart failure.
Goldflake is easily available in any grocery shop.
There are also cases of passive smoking so Guys if you do smoke then please try to quit as passive smoking also kills the people.