Apr 26, 2016 04:11 AM
As I am also suffered many times from acne and pimples alot but at last I can get rid of them .
1 Firstly don't be use any cosmetic product which are on TV advertisement or anywhere to reduce acne because in these cosmetic products there are number of cchemical which are very harmful for use
2I'd u really want to use preferred as remedies then use only natural sources based remedy which haven't any bad aspect on our skin.
3In a clear and a great manner if u actually want to get rid of pimples then pls give first priority to skin expert I am also suffered use many product then face become hell but at last I can go to civil hospital skin expert and after two-three month course now I am.completely fine and no any pimple or acne on my face now total
Actually we do always the wrong one that we don't go to skin expert because they know our skin well what's is suit le to ua and for our skin
5 At lastly go to skin expert in the pimple acne case to get safely rid from acne and pimples and for future to remain away from these then improve or reconjuate ur diet or food because almost all fce problem comes from our stomach so remain away from oily junk and diary food always.Avoid all oily diet or food.Always intake simple and home made food preferred to avoid these in a right manner.