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Verified Member MouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore India
Safe Networking tips, importance and bad effects
Mar 13, 2018 01:48 PM 1022 Views

In today's world everybody is more involved in social networking it might be in Facebook, twitter, whats-app etc.  Its nice that our country is improving but as in every field there will be good and bad effects, same here also.

First let me talk about the importance of social networking. By using social networking in our cell phones and system.

1) We come in touch with many distinct relatives and even our childhood, college, and very close friends whom we will have lost touch in any way.

2) We will share our all kind of happiness and sorrows in our life to our near and dear one's where we will not be able to tell them from many days.

3) It become's a part in our daily life. If we don't do one day we miss some thing.

4) We will be knowing the latest news in an express way through networking.

5) We will be sharing lot of general knowledge and get to learn many things without any instructor.

These will be a genuine importance of social networking. Now let me tell about the bad effects or disadvantages of social networking.

1) Sharing all our personal details and updating our family secrets is very easy for any body to access and man handle it in wrong way.

2) Using social networking daily once is fine but all the time involvement in social networking may put our family or our dear one's in problem.

3) We believe what ever comes in social media for example send this message to 10 groups or 10 people where you will have wealth in no time etc similar messages are waste of time and most irritating.

4) Since we are fully involved in social media we don't bother our children notes and take care of them properly.

5) If your child doesn't write notes in school we ask some other parent to send the notes, once or twice its OK or if your child is absent its OK but regularly sounds a bad practice and even the child will not learn to complete its notes in time.

6) Regular use or involvement in social media may lead to many health issues where it can't be cured.

These type of practice will spoil our life and relationship in future so its better to be cautious before some thing goes wrong.

The last point but not the least let me tell you how to do safe networking all time without any legal hazard.

1) Always put precise information in your social media personal details.

2) Don't update your regular routine work or schedule so that hackers will know it easily.

3) Some of the personal details which you use during creating a page then later choose some important details only to you not to share in public.

4) Don't share your password with anybody, In any case you share then change it immediately.

5) Beware of fake id. If anybody who is unknown to you don't accept the friendship nor allow them to access your friends list.

6) Never have online chatting with unknown person in case if you involve then don't believe the person until you meet him personally and know him very well.

7) Never meet a person alone whom you know by chatting. Accompany with somebody whom you know.

8) The moment you meet unknown person through social media never share your personal details like, Photo, cell number, address etc.

9) Always keep your account in security check.

10) Never share your account details even to the bank or to your friends because somebody else can hack your page to access.

11) Never allow your kids to use social media in case you allow have a regular check on what they are viewing.

Following these basic tips will make your social networking safe.

By all this I can only say that positive and negative elements are there in all ways. The only thing is that we should be always in our sense and have friendship with other person suppose if he is unknown to us. I don't say don't get involved in social media, social media is a very good platform for us to know each and everyone better and even their wok. But accordingly safety measures are always better in everything instead of repenting it later.

Finally do safe and secured social networking always so that it should be a boon to us not a curse.


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