Gemini is the HD channel. In the channels the Gemini is the only HD channel. The channel only HD, but the programs are not that much HD. I mean the programs appearring in Gemini TV is the oldest and boring programs. While comparing with Maa TV, Gemini having less Trp due to the lack of best programs. The Gemini TV network needs to improve their program quality and enthusiasm programs in it. Otherwise nobody will watch the Gemini TV. Gemini is the Sun network corporation channel. Maa programs are really so good and very very awesome programs. And the anchors acting in Gemini TV are the oldest, . They don't know the running trends and they don't know how to addict the people by the channel. The other drawback is the telecast in the movies. Even one movie also not appeared in Gemini TV after the release in just months. But Maa TV has already telecoms the many new movies even they are running in theaters also. Recently they telecaster the S/O. Sathyamurthy many times.