Aug 02, 2017 02:43 PM
Fizz is an online portal that help customers to search for food, entertainment, grocery, salon, restaurant etc. We all are busy in our life especially the working class and find it difficult to find an outlet offering discounts. This portal helps by showing services available in an area as per customer preferences. Everyone has a different taste, like, dislikes and budget. It is easy to search anything as per one's budget and also it is easy to grab the best deal. Users can also avail the facility of home delivery for most of the services especially for ordering food. While ordering users should use the coupons available on the portal to get a best deal at a minimum price. They also notify about different offers & promotions from time to time.
The layout & design is good and appealing. Special effects has been given to the layout that really looks pleasing. It is quite easy to navigate through the app and use the services. It is also quite easy to place an order as the user interface is good and in case of an issue the customer care is always ready to help.
Apart from providing online order facility this app also help users to compare prices among different outlets that can help them to make a decision. It show the price, availability, variety, occupancy etc. of all the selected outlets and it is easy for users to place/book after confirming all the basic factors. They also have an e-wallet and users can load the wallet and also get additional balance as per the offers available. The money in an e-wallet can be used while paying bills or ordering online. Users can also suggest new hangouts by adding them on the portal.
Coming on to the usefulness of this app, I found it not user friendly due to only a few businesses listed on it. When I was in the city I tried to order food from my favorite restaurants but unfortunately none of them was listed on it. Also most of the businesses listed on it are very expensive and it is not possible for an average middle class person to order through them. Also, the app shows errors while placing an order and is very slow while processing payments.