Jul 13, 2016 02:09 PM
CAST AWAY(2000) It is 1995, Chuck Noland, a Federal Express executive, is absorbed in ‘time.’ As far as he is concerned, a split second can make a difference in someone’s life. After a return trip from Russia, Noland and his girlfriend Kelly(Helen Hunt), are enjoying Christmas dinner with family. He receives a trouble call and must fly to Malaysia. Despite Kelly’s plea for him to stay and enjoy Christmas with her, Noland declines, his main concern is to make sure that all is well in Malaysia. Accompanied by Kelly, Noland arrives to board the plane for Malaysia. They exchange gifts, and he promises her that he will be right back. Now airborne, the plane encounters stormy weather while flying over the South Pacific. Suddenly there is an explosion, the plane has flown off course, and the events unfolding within the plane is clear indication that something terrible is about to happen. Suddenly, Noland is underwater and facing a spinning propeller heading for him and his life raft. Miraculously, he escapes the propeller and drifts to the surface of a deserted island.