Dec 08, 2015 08:58 PM
I dont think that this drink is now very much in taste.Very bad experience with this soft drink in last month.
Really bad experience. When I first taste it, it was so good that I love it very much. After some daes drinking whole bottle, was very bad for me.
But you guys don't do this mistake, I am alerting you.I don't know from where this taste has been came, but I don't like it personally.
Because Even though it survived the market its now loosing its stand due to inadequate supply or the quality with which it delivered initially hasn't changed according to the current needs
Different peoples have different taste, so may be I am wrong. But personally I will say that dont drink it . Wastage of money.
You can buy other drinks like maza, thums up.etc.
Now its your choice to take it any more or not.