Facebook is very popular social networking website all over the world. About 90% of internet users have their account on the facebook. If you are reading this review and not have a account on the facebook that means you are from those who doesn't want to waste your time.
Basically facebook lite is a android application which build for those who do not want to spend very large amout of mobile data on facebook. The facebook application which is built for android is large in size which is also not supported in many android phone and also consume huge amout of mobile data.
Facebook lite provides a very easy and cheap ways to update status and upload photos on the facebook timeline. You can also see the posts of your other friend and you can like and comment on that post in a very easy and simple manner. It can also be used for chatting with the friends and family members who also have their account on facebook.
With all these good features of facebook lite and its lightness this application not able to give real facebook. For commenting on any post we must need to open a new page but on browser their is no need to open a new page.
Overall this application is low in size and consumes very small data.