Dec 18, 2015 05:10 PM
I am an EDM Lover and to Enjoy EDM you need surround sound so I decided to buy the speakers for my Laptop and it will be easy to carry portable speakers!
Has all we know that when ever we have to make selection between things we go with lowest price, same I did . I purchased F&D from Flipkart and I thaught that I have made a right Decision Buy Purchasing these Speakers!
Has when initially they gave a very good Quality sound and I liked them very much has the time gone after 3 months of usage it started giving problems!
Firstly its connector pin has damaged whenever I connected Speakers to my laptop and had a little moment of laptop then the connector pin disconnects the speakers from the laptop
after this they have become so worst they gave rough sound and also dropped sound suddenly!
So guys If you want speakers for laptop dont buy this speakers just go with some other higher price if you want they should work for long!