Feb 28, 2024 05:29 PM
EXCITEL BROADBAND PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
My original plan was of 50 Mbps and I used the same for a period of 3 months. Other than the repetitive blackouts and downtimes, the speed was ok as per the plan.
From Oct 5, my new recharge was for a 100 Mbps upgraded plan. However my speedtest results show speeds less than 50Mbps. Now from what I perceive is the problem is that the local provider - P.Fiber Tech Broadband - apparently Excitel has outsourced its services to a local operator - is not yet doing the necessary corrections from the backend to ensure that the speeds are adjusted according to the upgraded plan. Either that or these idiots don't have the capability to provide more than 50 Mbps speed. Either ways,
a. Excitel should then not be advertising the upgraded plans in areas where the local operators don't have the necessary equipment or capacity to offer better bandwidths.
b. Now that the payment has gone through, either refund me the price difference of 600 Rs between the 100 Mbps(3+1 plan) and 50 Mbps(3+1 plan) or else increase my speed immediately.
c. Alternatively increase my validity by a month and that should cover for the price difference in addition to the lack of adequate speed that I have suffered for the last 6 days. Ideally for such flawed support, you should compensate with a few months more of bonus service, but that would be asking for the moon.
Time and again, time and again, I am having to start from scratch and explain to every support personnel the problem isn't technical or equipment related and plead with them to stop making me do all these useless troubleshooting steps like ping test, attaching broadband cable directly to the computer and all that. But they make me go through all that nonsense and conclude with saying there is an active ticket and that they will get back to me.
I completely understand that at the enterprise level your goals and technology might be great. But these local operators are earning a bad name to the company. In addition I have been constantly raising concerns about increase in the frequency of blackouts and repetitive disruptions even under lower speed plans and this continues as before. But at the moment I would like my plan upgrade matter to be sorted. Just please do one search about excitel services on Twitter, Facebook and on Google reviews and take a look at the number of complaints that people particularly from the Uttar Pradesh region have. They are just phenomenal. Just these reviews added up will cause severe speed-bumps to Excitel's progress. And these are simply because of the local partner operators.
Despite the above appeals, absolutely nothing was done by the company or its franchise provider.
After months of the above runaround, Excitel falsely claimed they will be discontinuing services in the area and then stopped connection to my place altogether.