Oct 01, 2013 02:43 PM
We bought Aquaguard Total Sensa believing its intelligence to sense the water quality and filter accordingly(hoping it will work for hard as well as soft water)
Now since 2 years we have spent more than 10K for parts and service. Every year service folks asks to replace all filters and parts and charges more than 4000 Rs and also every 3-6 months some filter has to be changed because it fails or so and pay service+ this filter charges. For a family of 3 persons usage this is a huge cost to pay per year.
In other filters we don't have this problem. in HLL RO we could change only carbon filter once a year. This looks like total cheating and miss communication by the Aquaguard. Not sure if again this year we have to pay Rs 5K and replace parts or throw this Aquaguard out of our house and get some other filter from other company.