Jun 23, 2009 02:07 PM
I am also known as MELTING MAN among my friends circle because of excessive sweating. To beat the heat I follow all the rituals suggested to me by my well wishers.
Yoga Shivir is in progress from last one month, with positive results. Swimming pool membership applied, as suggested by Mazahar Bahai to reduce weight (which may be the root cause of oversweating). Top secret Diet control in progress which will be revealed only after satisfactory results.
The most interesting and useful suggestion followed after reading various MS reviews and found the product being used by BBSR Hair Cutting Saloons, In Babbi's Saloon I found a Family Sized Navrattan Thanda Oil. Finally approved with authority by my female colleague I purchased Extra Thanda Cool Cool Himani Hair OIL and SRK wala AC Talcum Powder. Some fatual detials for you
Extra Thanda (Green) :)
The Ingredients present in the product are all extracts from natural herbs. It does not have any chemical or biochemical substance that is harmful to human body.
· Keeps the head cool
· Relieves headache
· Helpful in sound sleep
· An effective memory aid
· Tones up body muscles
· Removes tiredness
· Useful in minor burns and cuts
· A cool invigorating body massage oil Prevents premature hair fall.
Himani Navratna Cool Talc Powder :)
The unique blend of mint and camphor with the goodness of essential herbs, renders the desired cooling effect, while the cool aroma rejuvenates the senses and keeps one vibrant and fresh throughout the day.
Heat, sweat & body odour are the most common but yet unsolved problems that bring discomfort & frustrate our lives – almost across the year.
And please comment on this Review as I am really enjoying the Coolness of Talc on my body and Extra Thanda oil on my head from more than a week. For those who hate applying oil, it is suggested that go for a gentle message before sleep and feel the chill of Vertical Limit. In the morning wake up as a very new person on the earth. Smiles and Three Cheers.